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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Next and Aviary...

...first off, if you are a follower, you are probably wondering 'What the ???? I actually got a notice from this blog?' OK yeah, so I took a new job last year about this time, and things have been hectic to say the least! But...I am on a little bit of a hiatus regarding said job. No, I didn't get fired or laid off. And no, I didn't quit or resign. I got pregnant, as in with child. And after pregnancy comes motherhood. So with that being said, I am home for 12 total weeks of maternity leave. As my first half of leave winds down, I need projects. And with the thought of projects comes the thought of "What are all the things I always wish I had time for and never get to?" Not that I have a ton of time now but as I'm getting back into the swing of things and balancing my need for food, a new budget, and new responsibilities, I am wishing that I had more time for blogging, so blogging, here I come, AGAIN.

So my latest news is that I am pumped!!! OK, 3 exclamation points because I'm also buzzed. Enjoyed a Guinness (leftover from corned beef and cabbage on St. Patty's Day that I made), a bottle of cava while celebrating the season finale of Top Chef (I was SO excited for it, I decided earlier this evening that the occasion called for a bottle of bubbly), and now a glass of red wine. I'm trying to build back my tolerance. Moving on, not only am I pumped about Richard Blais winning Top Chef All Stars, but I am also pumped about the eminent opening of Next and Aviary, the latest projects from Grant Achatz, chef/owner of Alinea and Nick Kokonas, co-owner/other business guy, official title). If you don't know what Alinea is, you've been living under a rock. And if you don't know what Next and Aviary are, you've been living under a boulder. Or maybe it's the other way around. Next is based on the premise that dining is an activity similar to going to the theater (ha, I spelled it theatre...underlined during spellcheck, no go). If you go at prime time or have prime time seats, you pay a premium price. If you're seated up in the 3rd balcony, last row, you can still say you went but you went at a more affordable price. If you're on the main floor near the orchestra pit, you pay an arm and a leg and are most likely getting home by your driver. Next is based on that concept. If you go on a Tuesday night at 10 PM, you pay less than someone who goes on Saturday at 8 PM (btw, my favorite dining time of the week). Tickets are "sold" and the menu also changes 4 times a year. Each change involves a change of cuisine and time period. The grand opening just got announced that it could be a week away after originally anticipating it for fall of last year and the first menu will be Paris 1906. See a sneak peak of the menu:

Next-Paris 1906 Test Dinner

I've been meaning to drive by the place and see the progress since I went to Grant's book signing a few weeks ago but am officially going to do so tomorrow on my birthday. Also, at the book signing, Grant and Nick said that 20,000 people have thus far signed up to be on the list for tickets. I have yet to be contacted and signed up over 6 months ago. Sigh...maybe I'll get in if I tell them it would be a fantastic birthday present??!!

Aviary is the bar that will go along with it that will be run by chefs making up cocktail concoctions rather than bartenders, aka mixologists if you want to be "hip."

More to come on newly released book in an upcoming post.

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