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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dining in Dublin

If anyone of you are reading this, let me know what you think about posting restaurant recommendations in other cities. My favorite thing on this planet is food but my second favorite is traveling, and what better activity to do than to check out food WHILE traveling?!

I was in Ireland the early part of December and randomly discovered this quaint restaurant called The Winding Stair. It is a twist on traditional Irish food and specializes in seasonal and local produce and purveyors. It was a gem and definite recommendation, especially in a place that might not be known for its food.

I had a tasty smoked fish platter of eel, 2 kinds of salmon, and trout served with soda bread and caperberries. Entree was duck two ways: confit and breast with a berry sauce. Irish bread pudding in whiskey is a must for dessert!

Reservations are also a must. The place is tiny.

Underground Dinner 2 complete!

I've been traveling the world eating some great culinary delights in Scottsdale, Ireland, and Australia. After taking almost a month off, the docent is back!

Our 2nd dinner was a great evening of fun with Trisha, Justin, Natalia, and Brett. The wine pairings were a little off this time but the pear cider was stellar: a wonderful compliment to the smoked fish, peppery arugula, and sinus-clearing horseradish. Main and dessert were fantastic. I was very pleased with the results.

I only remembered to take 1 picture time I will have to remember better (or drink less) :)

Underground dinner will take a break for January due to crazy full-time job and traveling but we will be back on track for our February dinner on 2/ pending.